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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Standing Oh!

When was the last time you received a standing ovation? For that matter, have you ever?

If your name is Harvey Stockman or John Stubblefield, you received a well-deserved standing ovation on Tuesday night at Afterburners' Speak-a-thon. Each of these men gave an inspiring Ice Breaker speech that showed a lot of natural speaking talent but also incorporated many elements used by more advanced speakers, including visual aids, great eye contact, vocal variety, and expressive body language, all delivered without the use of notes.

Is that enough to earn a standing ovation? Here's the unofficial Afterburners answer on that:


The truth is, it takes a lot of nerve to give that Ice Breaker speech. No amount of rehearsing and careful practice at home can fully prepare you for stepping in front of the club for the first time to share a piece of your personal history. What if they laugh? Perhaps worse: what if they don't? What if nobody cares what you have to say? 

At Afterburners, we appreciate the stomach-churning stress that goes into preparing that first speech. We want each Ice Breaker speaker to fully understand how deeply and genuinely we appreciate what you went through to bring us your presentation. That's the reason, whether with or without notes, visual aids, eye contact, or even a decent outline, every single Ice Breaker receives a standing ovation from the whole audience. It's spontaneous, it's real, and it's just our way of saying, "We've been there, buddy. We feel your relief that this first one is finally behind you, and we're standing with you all the way."

If we support you that thoroughly on your first speech, can you imagine how we'll celebrate when you get your DTM?

Tammy Bailey