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A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meet Steven Timmons, VP Education

Ryan Gallagher
In this, the second entry into my semi-annual interview series, our new VP Education, Steven Timmons, found some time in his busy schedule to answer my questions - all for the benefit of our readers. Hopefully y'all will get some insight into what makes him tick. In the meantime, I'm gonna try and make this interview thing happen more frequently than twice a year. Prepare yourself. You could be next.
Steven Timmons

1. What is your favorite book and/or movie and why?

My favorite book is probably Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It has been sometime since I read it; however, I always remember the surprises as the story progressed and the plot was revealed. I am much more of a movie buff. I have always liked "Urban Cowboy" with John Travolta. Growing up in Mansfield, I really identified with John's character, except the dancing and it is a favorite time in my life.

2. Give a specific example of how Toastmasters has impacted you positively.

I find that I have made a lot of friends and acquaintances that I would not have made otherwise. The ability to speak and use my brain is a big win for me. However, I hope that I have made some friends that I will know for a lifetime.

3. What is the speech that you have given of which are you most proud, and why?

That would have to be my CC Manual Project 6, "Why I could never be Steve Erwin." It was the first time I got through a speech without notes and I felt a real sense of accomplishment when I executed the speech with all the body language and vocal variety I had planned.

4. Out of all the accumulated experiences in your life, what is the single piece of advice you would impart to your kids (if you have them) or your family, and why?

Always maintain your integrity. When others attack you needlessly or unfairly, it is all that you have to know that you have done the right thing. In Boy Scouts, I was always taught to do my best. That was all that anyone could expect of someone else.

5. Has your life gone how you thought it would? Why or why not and what do you think you might have done differently, if anything?

Life has presented me with many adventures I did not foresee. When I was standing outside the airport in the Philippines in the pouring rain, I thought to myself that I might have made a mistake. However, I have held on through the years and I find that the adventures continue to be surprising and enjoyable. I take each situation, try to learn from it what I should and then move on to the next obstacle.

6. Do you have a favorite quote, or a quote-of-the-moment that motivates you? If so, what is it and why do you find it motivating?

That would have to be Act Your Wage! by Dave Ramsey. Through Dave's wisdom, I have regained my life in so many ways. When you try to live outside of your means, you are robbing yourself of your future. When Dave discusses that if you don't have a plan for your money then all of those creditors have a plan for your money, he is really more right then you can ever know. Now I maintain a budget to keep a grasp on my reality. I find that I am more fulfilled than when I would run wild with my credit.

7. Anything else you want to share with Afterburners?

If you take the time to plan to live, you can live your dreams. Without a plan, you are just on a journey. How will you ever know that you have arrived?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats

At a recent Afterburners meeting, several speakers wore hats. You might think it was because we needed some shade and relief from the triple digit weather we've been experiencing. However, it was in honor of our theme: A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats. This theme was selected to illustrate that as a member of Toastmasters you literally wear many hats and can fill any number of roles during a meeting.

Our Immediate Past President, Tammy Bailey led the way as the Toastmaster of the Evening. George Arndt followed with a "Roadmap" to the successful preparation for the role of Toastmaster. Ron Baker explained the importance of punctuality and the role of the Timer. Bill Erwin wittingly reminded us that the Ah-Counter watches out for the use of crutch words such as ah, er, um, you know, and so.

Dámaris Thorn, was next in the line-up. She described the role of the Grammarian by asking the question, "Is it important to know English grammar good?" Steven Timmons explained that as the Listener, critical listening skills are tantamount to becoming an effective communicator. I reminded everyone to cast their vote during my piece on the Vote Counter. LaShawn Carter reviewed the role of Table Topics Master by informing everyone that they have nothing to fear when called upon for Table Topics because "Table Topics Are Your Friend".

In her "Recipe to Success" Brenda Daniels, aka Paula Deen showed us that the General Evaluator needs good listening, thinking, and speaking skills. Paula...I mean Brenda also shared the secret ingredient for her mouth watering fudge. Sorry if you missed it. What happens at the Afterburners Club meeting, stays at the Afterburners Club meeting. To round out the role of Evaluator, Joyce King did a terrific job of explaining how to effectively evaluate a speech, all while keeping a watchful eye on the timing light.

As a new member to Toastmasters you may wonder about all of the acronyms we use. Mike Kelly deciphered the "alphabet soup" in his presentation, "The Road to Becoming a DTM". Our former Division A Governor, Pat Quick explained how to have a successful club meeting. Ryan Gallagher explained the role of the "Hot Seat". Don't worry, you won't burn your biscuits. It simply means you may be called upon at the last minute to fill any opportunity, including the role of speaker. The key is to have a speech prepared and to be ready to go at all times.

In spite of a recent health scare, our President, Jodie Sanders was on hand to rally the troops and bring our meeting to a close. Our meeting was a rousing success...as usual.

Rose Timmons

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Driving Force

The Afterburners group has been an inspiration to me. Their members are very positive and are eager to assist each other, as well as other clubs. This group draws upon the strengths and individual skills of its diverse members to accomplish its goals. They also help other clubs such as the Tarrant County Toastmasters, a club they sponsored and are still mentoring.

Last Wednesday, I visited another group they sponsored. The Kimbo Toastmasters seem to be doing well. In the meeting, they specifically mentioned drawing upon the assistance of Afterburners members while discussing ways to keep their club moving forward.

Afterburners continues to be a driving force in presenting the message of Toastmasters, which helps the members present their messages more effectively.

Bill Erwin, TM

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Torch Has Passed . . .

Last Tuesday night, June 28th, we had a full evening of festivities as we bid farewell to our President Tammy Bailey and the current leadership team. Of course, it would not be an Afterburners event without great food.  We dined on an array of delicious fare and heard a couple of wonderful speeches from George Arndt, “Pressure”; and Mike Kelly, “Leadership 101”; and then it was time to start the Installation.

President Tammy Bailey began with thanks to each of her executive officers with words of appreciation and a plaque. Joyce King surprised Tammy with a gift of appreciation from the club and then Tammy gave her final speech about her thoughts from the year.
Then it was time for the installation and we were proud to have our incoming Area 12 Governor Brendan Bagnell to conduct the formalities. He thanked the current Executive Officers and discharged them of their duties. Afterburners appreciates their service for 2010-2011 and the full executive board is as follows –
Tammy Bailey – President
Ryan Gallagher – VP Education
Joyce King – VP Membership
Jodie Sanders – VP Public Relations
Steven Timmons – Secretary
Antoinette Silas – Treasurer
Gary Chiu – Sergeant at Arms
Pat Quick – Immediate Past President
Brenda Daniels – Parliamentarian, ex-officio

The incoming officers were installed and each one was given an opportunity to speak to the club about what their plans were for their year of service. The incoming executive officers are –
Jodie Sanders – President
Steven Timmons – VP Education
Rose Timmons – VP Membership
LaShawn Carter – VP Public Relations
Dawn Mercer – Secretary
Antoinette Silas – Treasurer
Philip Silas – Sergeant at Arms

After the new officers were installed, the “Passing of the Gavel” portion of the installation was done with the gavel being passed from one Past President to the other to the newly installed incoming President Jodie Sanders.  The Past Presidents in attendance were Setma Maddox, Brenda Daniels, George Arndt and Pat Quick.

Jodie Sanders gave her incoming speech and told the club that it was her vision in the next year to always keep the member in mind. “It’s all about the member” she said, and encouraged the club to consider ensuring the member gets the full benefit from a project before moving on. Jodie asked the members, “Is it a good thing to count a project completed by a member to gain points for our DCP if the member learned nothing?” She certainly gave us powerful words to ponder.

The evening ended with our current President Tammy Bailey giving final announcements and adjourning the meeting one last time.

Pat Quick, DTM