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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Joyce's Journey to a New World

When the District 25 Spring Conference was first mentioned at one of our Toastmasters meetings, I did not give it much thought. In my mind, I knew that I was not going to attend. Although I really enjoy Toastmasters and look forward to the weekly meetings, I had no intention of getting that deeply involved. After all, I only wanted to learn to quell my fears and become more comfortable speaking in front of strangers.

Fortunately, a couple of weeks before the conference our illustrious president, Pat Quick, mentioned it again. This time it piqued my interest. There was something in her voice that made it sound like this was an event not to be missed. Consequently, I talked to my husband Rodney, who is also a Toastmaster, and we agreed it would be a good thing to do. 

After deciding to attend this conference, I had such a difficult time registering that I almost decided not to go.  However, I have never been one to give up easily, so I persevered, and we attended.  Going to this event was a wise decision because it opened my eyes to a whole new Toastmaster world. Everyone was nice from the beginning to the end.  

When the festivities began on Friday night, Gary Chiu, our masterful Sergeant at Arms, represented Afterburners well. He marched in with not one, but two, Afterburners banners filled with ribbons.  Shortly after, the area governors and their teams presented us with hilarious skits.

The night ended with the Tall Tales competition. I was in awe as I sat and listened to several far-out tales and wondered how one’s imagination could be so great to come up with such outrageous stories. I was fascinated as I heard about the clown-eating bull and captivated as I journeyed with the Georgia Peach as she tried to find her way home. There were several wild stories told that night, but only three people could win. However, in my opinion, they were all winners. It took courage, preparation and a big imagination to stand before their Toastmaster peers and present those stories.

The next day was packed full of interesting educational sessions to attend. These sessions offered education, inspiration and infused a little motivation into everyone who attended them.  I was very inspired after hearing LaShunda Rundles' story of faith and endurance. This young lady won the International Speaking competition in 2008 but was plagued by life-threatening illnesses shortly after. She could have given up, but she chose to fight. She looked past her condition and circumstances and focused on facing her obstacles rather than surrendering.

Ms. Rundles was one of several people who offered inspiration that day. That same theme emanated throughout the speeches presented in the International Speech contest that afternoon. Evaluating to motivate others and learning to live my life to its fullest potential also served as nourishment for my soul that day.

The evening culminated with a lovely dinner, good fellowship and a Distinguished Toastmaster Ceremony. I received much more than money could ever pay for that weekend. I witnessed genuine love, respect and friendship among the attendees. After seeing all of that, learning how to become a better public speaker is just icing on the cake. Attending the conference was a weekend well spent.

Joyce King

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sign up NOW for Speak-a-thon!

Next Tuesday, June 1, Afterburners will hold a Speak-a-thon!! Members who are vigorously pursuing the completion of their Competent Communicator manual may reserve a slot on the agenda. Many of our members are intent on this so they can take advantage of District 25's offer of SIX FREE MANUALS as a reward!!

It doesn't have to be your CC... You can be close to finishing any Toastmasters manual. If you're almost there, and you want credit for that educational achievement before June 30, let me know so I can get you on the agenda.

I'll be serving as Toastmaster for this event, so if you would like to speak on June 1st, please email me your speech title & what project it fulfills. We will have as many as 8 speakers, so come prepared to listen, enjoy, and give a written evaluation if someone should hand you their CC manual!

Folks, I'll need your speech information by Sunday, May 30, please. Let's help each other reach our goals and keep on LEADING THE WAY!


Tammy Bailey, DTM
VP Education

Help for meeting roles now on the website

Are you feeling a little nervous about being Toastmaster or General Evaluator? Can't remember everything the Grammarian or Ah-Counter should be listening for?

It's hard to remember not to leave anything out. Go to the Club Roles page of the Afterburners website, and at the bottom of the page for your role, you will find a download link to a Word document that you can save to your computer. (If you have difficulty with this, call Jodie Sanders for assistance.)

Print it to study ahead of time, and bring to the meeting with you. Your fellow Toastmasters will be impressed with how well prepared you are.

Then give big thank-yous to Pat Quick for the Toastmaster and General Evaluator scripts, and to Benson for the Ah-Counter Tally and Grammarian's Log. We appreciate their efforts to help us have successful opportunities and smooth meetings!

Jodie Sanders

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 25: A very busy evening!

 President Pat Quick, new member Greg Geis, and VP Membership Bob Titiryn

Toastmaster Nick Colón presided over a slate of 5 (yes, FIVE!) speakers, using a streamlined agenda. Several members have committed to finishing their Competent Communicator goals before the end of June, so we will be hearing and making a lot of speeches before then. Linda Coleman won for best speech and Saraí Garcia was best evaluator. But everyone did a great job, especially Nick in his debut as Toastmaster!

Greg Geis was inducted into membership. He had just been an outstanding  Ah-Counter for the meeting, so we are excited to have him. Welcome, Greg!

In the monthly business meeting, new officers for 2010-2011 were elected. They will take office on July 1st.
President - Tammy Bailey
VP Education - Benson V
VP Membership - Joyce King
VP Public Relations - Jodie Sanders
Secretary - DeWayne Ivey
Treasurer - Rodney King
Sergeant at Arms - Gary Chiu

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 11: Welcome to our newest members

Afterburners is growing by leaps and bounds! Tonight we inducted our two newest members, Phillip and Antoinette Silas. Phillip and Antoinette have already given their Ice Breaker speeches and are contributing with their weekly opportunities. A return visitor, Greg Geis, decided Toastmasters can provide what he needs, and he joined Afterburners tonight as well!

If you haven't been to a meeting lately, you're missing some wonderful new people (who, incidentally, are missing you too!)

Be sure to check out the speaking schedule posted on the website for your upcoming opportunities, and let me know if any changes are needed to accommodate your attendance needs.

Tammy Bailey
VP Education

Nominated Slate of Officers Announcement

I am pleased to announce the 2010-2011 Slate of Officers as presented by the Nominating Committee -

President - Tammy Bailey
VP Education - Benson V
VP Membership - Joyce King
VP Public Relations - Jodie Sanders
Secretary - DeWayne Ivey
Treasurer - Rodney King
Sergeant at Arms - Gary Chiu

We will elect our new officers on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Any member has the right to run from the floor if he/she so deems appropriate. The nominating committee was chaired by George Arndt, Immediate Past President, Brenda Daniels, Setma Maddox and myself. I want to personally thank each member of the committee for their efforts in bringing this talented and dedicated slate to our membership. The Nominating Committee is hereby discharged of their duties.

Pat Quick