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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Distinguished Toastmaster, indeed!

Afterburners Toastmasters Club is thrilled to be able to congratulate Setma Maddox on achieving her Distinguished Toastmaster award!

According to Afterburners president Tammy Bailey, "Setma's presentations have always been of the highest caliber, impressive from the very first time I ever visited Afterburners, and I know she has worked extremely hard to reach this goal. She is a wonderful mentor, either in an official or unofficial capacity, and Afterburners is very fortunate to count her among our members."

Setma says: "I am so excited about accomplishing this goal after so long. Seeing each of you grow each time I hear you speak or perform a role in a meeting showed me that I needed to finish what I started in 1999. Now I get to do it all over again! This time with a much better understanding of what it means to other people to be active in the club, division, and district as well as what I can learn of the experience.  I hope all of you will realize this goal in the near future. It is AWESOME!"

Setma, YOU are awesome. Distinguished, indeed! We are so proud!

Terrific turnout for Table Topics contest

Front row: Linda Coleman, Melessa Baker, Holly Trinh, Saraí Garcia.
Back row: Phillip Silas, Antoinette Silas, LaShawn Carter, Ron Baker.

Eight brave souls stepped forward at tonight's Table Topics contest, and each moved forward in his or her journey toward improved communication.

The question each addressed was "What effect did your childhood have on your life?" Those in attendance heard a wide variety of answers ranging from being a middle child to  growing up in harsh economic conditions and how strength was born of it.

After the votes were tallied, LaShawn Carter was our winner with Saraí Garcia as runner up. If LaShawn is unable to compete in the Area 12 contest on March 26, Saraí will represent Afterburners instead.

Antoinette Silas, LaShawn Carter and Saraí Garcia won the top three places.

Next week we'll hold our International Speech contest. Anyone may participate who has completed at least six manual speeches in club. Speeches must be 5-7 minutes long, and can be on any topic.

Will you take the opportunity to advance in your journey by competing next week?

Tammy Bailey, DTM

Friday, February 18, 2011

Linda steps up for Tarrant County Toastmasters

On Tuesday, February 15th, Afterburner Linda Coleman attended the Tarrant County Toastmasters meeting as a guest to fulfill her opportunity as General Evaluator. (See previous story.)

Linda brought a great deal of excitement and energy to the meeting, leading Shirley Deckard and Pat Quick to some super evaluations for speeches given by Louie McClain and Lisa Woodard, respectively. In her Ice Breaker speech, Lisa revealed how she made history as Tarrant County’s first female African-American Justice of the Peace. Way to go, Lisa!

Linda also commented positively on how the club conducted its meeting and on the club's spirit and energy. Afterward, she made some great suggestions for helping the club reach its charter strength of 20 people. The club coaches are working on implementing them now. Thanks so much for the extra effort, Linda.

Linda has achieved her Competent Communicator and aspires to be a DTM someday. You might have noticed her stepping up to various club opportunities as she works towards her Dream Big Competent Leader commitment. Linda has also attended the District Conferences and enjoys the fun and excitement that we all share during those events. She will help Rose Timmons with the Hospitality Suite at the District 25 Spring Conference coming up May 20th and 21st.

Linda Coleman… Thank you for all you do, and for being who you are.

Steven Timmons

Afterburners are helping new club take off

Tarrant County Toastmasters is a fledgling club that meets in the Tarrant County Plaza building in downtown Fort Worth. Its Tuesday lunchtime meetings start at 12:00 and adjourn by 1:00 pm. The club sponsor is our Division A Governor Pat Quick and currently it has three club coaches: former Afterburner Dodi Foster, DeSorrow Golden of Energizers Toastmasters and Steven Timmons of Afterburners.

Tarrant County Toastmasters can use more support from Afterburners. We need 20 people to charter the club and some of your friends and relatives may be excited to know that they have another lunchtime club meeting in the downtown Fort Worth area. Please spread the word and help build this club up to full strength. You are all welcome to come down at lunch time on Tuesdays and visit as well.

Steven Timmons

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Magic words bring insights into life

Ryan Gallagher
I have to preface this new blog feature, member interviews, with some explanation and background. Ever since I was little I've been on a quest, it might be said, for magic words.

It's been my experience that there are certain word combinations or phrases that once encountered, won't leave my head. These words conjure up images or ideas, and seem to provide insight and clarity into how the world works, but the one common thread they share is that I'm forever changed after exposure to them.

My purpose in interviewing our club members is two-fold:
1) To feature a different member every couple of weeks or so, and to reveal a different aspect of the person than we might get from our normal club interactions.
2) I am fascinated by people — specifically in what makes up the hows and whys of a life, and, most particularly, in the advice one might be able to offer with regard to having a happy existence. (This is usually the area that provides the words I'm looking for.)

All this being said, if you're next up for an interview and you don't want to answer the questions, no worries! You don't have to. There is no pressure here at all.

Below are the answers from my first interviewee. I hope you'll get some cool new insights into her as a person, and maybe you'll encounter a phrase or two that ends up rocking your world. Thanks, Tammy.

An Interview with Tammy Bailey

Tammy Bailey
1. What is your favorite book and/or movie and why?
I know "Monty Python & The Holy Grail" almost by heart, although the ending is perennially frustrating. Most of my favorite movies are a combination of action, comedy, love story, and impossibly beautiful people ("The Fifth Element" and "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" are good examples). I love to laugh more than almost anything else, so even if a movie's plot is somewhat thin, I'll give it a thumbs-up if it's funny.

2. Give a specific example of how Toastmasters has impacted you positively.
I've been in sales for nearly 25 years. Toastmasters has improved my listening skills so I actually hear what my customers are saying before trying to overcome any objections. I think about what I say before I say it, so my presentations are of a higher caliber than other salespeople who fumble for descriptive words or phrases. My overall confidence is higher because I no longer fear being in the spotlight.

3. What is the speech that you have given of which you are most proud, and why?
I did one called "The River & The Rock" that describes how Toastmasters flows over and around an individual, shaping and smoothing along the way, while the individual also impacts the course of the larger organization. It contains some of my most vivid imagery, and it's powerful. It was the 10th speech in my second Competent Communication manual.

4. Out of all the accumulated experiences in your life, what is the single piece of advice you would impart to your kids (if you have them) or your family, and why?
Don't waste time on regrets. Make your choices, make your mistakes, accept them, learn from them, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

5. Has your life gone how you thought it would? Why or why not and what do you think you might have done differently, if anything?
Without wasting time on regrets (see answer #4), I can look back on my life and see where different choices, both personal and professional, would have meant a different outcome for me. I'm not where I thought I'd be, but I'm content where I am and absolutely insistent upon moving forward.