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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 7: Summer comes to Afterburners

Summer. What images does the word evoke? Recently, it has meant not having to slow down to 20 mph when traversing school zones. (YAY!) But then finding mobs of kids at the mall. (BOO!) It also heralds the arrival of new movies from Hollywood, and the related buzz about which film will be the “summer blockbuster.”

This evening, LaShawn Carter made her summer debut as Toastmaster, and it’s certain to be a blockbuster. It was, by anyone’s account, a flawless performance, and a textbook example of how one should perform their Toastmaster duties.

Dawn Mercer spoke about “Mass” and all that the word has come to stand for. At the end of her speech, she disclosed that a personal tragedy was narrowly averted. Bill Erwin exuded confidence and poise with “Reorganize.” He told us that he views Toastmasters as a way to re-sharpen speaking abilities that went dull over the years. I (Gary Chiu) delivered “Going Outside the Club,” exhorting members to try their hand at various opportunities. Club contests, emceeing, judging, not to mention formal positions at the District are all available and are in need of participants. I was honored by having members name me Best Speaker.

Pat Quick triumphed with a wonderful Table Topics delivery of bygone summer days. Imagine no central A/C and window units as the only salvation from the heat. She was named Best Table Topics Speaker.

David Thorn rounded out the evening by delivering a superb evaluation of my speech. The Good, the Bad, (minus the Ugly) were all present in his evaluation. He was our Best Evaluator.

Afterburners always strives to consistently provide a quality meeting each Tuesday evening. Looks like we hit another home run!

Gary Chiu (the “silent partner” of Siskel, Ebert, and Chiu)