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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Distinguished Toastmaster, indeed!

Afterburners Toastmasters Club is thrilled to be able to congratulate Setma Maddox on achieving her Distinguished Toastmaster award!

According to Afterburners president Tammy Bailey, "Setma's presentations have always been of the highest caliber, impressive from the very first time I ever visited Afterburners, and I know she has worked extremely hard to reach this goal. She is a wonderful mentor, either in an official or unofficial capacity, and Afterburners is very fortunate to count her among our members."

Setma says: "I am so excited about accomplishing this goal after so long. Seeing each of you grow each time I hear you speak or perform a role in a meeting showed me that I needed to finish what I started in 1999. Now I get to do it all over again! This time with a much better understanding of what it means to other people to be active in the club, division, and district as well as what I can learn of the experience.  I hope all of you will realize this goal in the near future. It is AWESOME!"

Setma, YOU are awesome. Distinguished, indeed! We are so proud!