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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Monday, November 15, 2010

My reason(s) for being in Toastmasters

Every person joins Toastmasters for his or her own reason. My reason was to transform my speaking skills from a lecture format to a more amiable, audience-friendly format. After several months of talking about finding a program that would help me, a friend dared me to do something about my goal. She suggested Toastmasters. So I checked out a listing of local clubs and selected Afterburners based on meeting time and place.

When I joined, I thought that I would run through the Toastmasters program in just a few weeks or months; after all, it was only 10 speeches, right? Once my 10 speeches were done I planned to walk away and apply what I had learned. I was in for a real surprise!

It took me almost two years to complete the Competent Communication Manual. Afterburners set high standards, and there were other requirements such as attending and participating in conferences, judging contests, serving as contest toastmaster, presenting Better Club and Better Speaker modules, taking a leadership role in the club by serving as club treasurer, vice president education, and eventually as president, and helping other club members reach their goals. Whew!

These requirements were not explained to me as being “if you can” alternative activities. They became an integral part of achieving my CC and CL simultaneously. Because of the high standards, I found that I enjoyed the challenge of honing my speaking and leadership skills. I also enjoyed the learning experience of receiving thoughtful, constructive speech evaluations.

Afterburners has always led the way and is known throughout District 25 for producing strong leaders and as “the loud and the proud” club. We tend to whoop it up any time our club name or a member’s name is mentioned, or our banner appears. Yes, I have completed my 10 speeches. I have achieved Competent Leader, Advanced Communicator Bronze and Silver, and my Advanced Leader Silver. I will soon achieve the title of Advanced Communicator Gold and then Distinguished Toastmaster.

My reason for being in Toastmasters has changed to REASONS for staying. Afterburners has become an integral part of my social life. It is where I see my closest friends. The club is where I come to stimulate my mind with things other than what I have been working on all day. It is where I relax and have fun with people I care about and who care about me. I am still working on transforming my lecture format to a more amiable, audience-friendly format, but while I work toward that goal, I enjoy being associated with the strong, proud club called Afterburners. Like every other club in the District, Afterburners has experienced some shifts in leadership and membership. But the friendships that we form in this club bind us as a family. Each of us has the opportunity to be part of that family if we choose.

Setma Maddox