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Labor of Love Open House

A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Support Mack at Division Contest

Division A's contest is Saturday April 24th. Mack Mercer will represent our club and our Area in the International Speech Contest, so let's show up in force and give him the support he deserves! It's at Motorola, 5555 N Beach St at 9:30 am. You must be 18 and show ID to get in, and an RSVP is requested because of security issues. Email your RSVP to johnbergs@d25toastmasters.org or jacquelynegriffin@d25toastmasters.org.

Tammy Bailey