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A Labor of Love Afterburners Open House Meeting on August 30, 2016, was a grand success!  In fact, we earned a Golden Gavel ribbon f...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dec 15: "Canada"

Former member Sandra Price with Brenda Daniels

Bob Titiryn opened the meeting dedicated to his native country with a dryly witty monologue about Canadian weather and national character. Remember this: Canadians DO NOT wear toboggans on their heads, because in Canada a toboggan is a sled, not a hat.

Our two quite entertaining speakers, S. M. and Rodney King, found plenty of humor in the subjects of running a restaurant and redeeming an inappropriate gift card. Mack Mercer and visiting former member Sandra Price gave evaluations that would be worth the price of admission if we charged it.

Jodie Sanders continued the Canadian theme in Table Topics, where Parker Arndt revealed his wish to be a sled dog in the upcoming Winter Olympics and Pat Quick described her thrilling battle against terrorists at the same event. (She was either a Mountie or a cheerleader, we're not sure which.) Two intrepid visitors, Shawn and Basil, also gave their best efforts for Canada in Table Topics.

We had some yummy chocolate cake to celebrate Parker's upcoming 18th birthday, when he will finally be legal as far as Toastmasters is concerned.

Jodie Sanders

Pat serves the birthday cake